Thursday, December 2, 2010

on cashflow and hunger

a few days ago, a friend of mine (though its hard to classify her as that much due to the pain and anguish that her mere suggestion has put me through) mentioned eatting out, and naturally i got to thinking of the resturants by me and those that i drive by as i drive to and return from work. as simple or unawesome as it might sound, sonic popped into my head. the unfortunate part was that i was quite hungry when the friend mentioned this and i got to thinking about their nice and juicy burgers.. needless to say the funds have been a bit low for the last few days due to registering my car (stupid license plates and registration fees) and i have not been able to feed the desire. which is quite annoying as its like a tug at the back of ones throat, ever looming in its constant nagging... like a wife (<-joke).
needless to say, i still find myself in this agony, now finally with money but stuck at work, and after hours.

moral of the story: always keep an extra $20 on you.

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